It is a centre of the local (close to town) recreation in the small private cottages on the large meadows southwards from Smižany. It is connected with Smižany by a "no-dust" road.
AVAILABLE SERVICES: Cottages, a restaurant
ACCESS: By fast train from Žilina or from Košice get off in Spišská Nová Ves (5 km), or by slow train get off in Smižany (2 km)
SURROUNDINGS: Matka Božia (God´s Mother), Medvedia hlava (Bear Head), Bikšova lúka (Bikšova Meadow), Lesnica, Sovia skala (Owl Rock), Čingov, dolina Bieleho potoka (White Creek Valley)and Prielom Hornadu (Hornád Canyon)