Hrabušice    Map    Google Map

    A village situated in a flat part of the Hornád Valley in the north-western part of the Slovak Paradise. Archaeological fields located in this area are dated to the late Iron Age called Lathene. The first written reference to the village is from the year 1279. In 1582 the village was re-acknowledged by the King to have the right to organize open markets.
    The most precious relic is a church, originally built in the Romanesque style in the 13-th century with its precious Gothic side altar.
    The ruins of the Marcelov hrad (Marcel´s Castle) from the 13-th century you can find on the top of the Zelená hora (Green Hill), close to the village.

ACCESS: By slow train from Žilina or Košice (get off at the railway station Vydrník). By bus from Poprad and from Spišská Nová Ves through Spišský Štvrtok.
SURROUNDINGS: Betlanovce, Podlesok, Suchá Belá (Dry Belá), Piecky, Veľký Sokol (Big Falcon), Gľac, Kláštorská roklina (Monastery Gorge), Kláštorisko and through the Prielom Hornádu (Hornád Canyon) Tomášovský výhľad (Tomášovský View) and Čingov.

    Hrabušice - Rímskokatolícky kostol



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